Tuesday 17 June 2014

My Story

Hey Guys,
So i thought today i would just tell you more about me :) So i am a British girl who enjoys rowing, dance, swimming and writing stories. I have a 11 month old Cocker spaniel called Pippa who is very hyper but is gorgeous and very loving. You may know my best friend who does the blog Belle talks we have only been friends for a while but we are inseparable.  So anyway I plan to become a police officer, primary school teacher or be in the army but its going to be hard as I am not the academic type and I hate school. But hopefully I will get there. I also plan to move down to Devon when i get enough money together so wish me luck. Now my proper story... So I started with depression about two years ago but at the time I didn't understand what it was and just thought that it was normal or just a bad phase I was going through. But due to a rough start in high school things got worse but I never did anything about it. When I was in year eight I had my first "proper" relationship which ended badly on my half because they left without a reason and out of the blue really for me. So I thought that I did something wrong and i needed punishing for it  so that's where cutting came in. After a while I just stopped for no reason and I was clean for just under a year, up until my next relationship it wasn't very long and it was a clean break up but after a few months I met somebody new who made me very happy but my ex started verbally abusing me sending messages everyday saying that I'm a slut,slag,bitch that he hopes my family dies and finally that I should kill myself so things got really rough and I went back to my "old habits" but again I managed to stop myself and ignored the messages. I started going out with this guy March last year and things where great and I though everything was in the past, but again my ex started sending me horrible messages and I found that he virtually stalked me and watched me fall at rowing and watched me leave to go to hospital. He actually watched me at rowing, it was terrifying and I was so scared by what I had missed. I then found out that he had a video of me getting changed in his room when I went over once, It was the most disgusting thing to listen to, it was in my mind for months but people kept rushing me to get over it but it was so hard to deal with they just didn't understand. But again I just went back into depression and since then things have got really really bad nothing makes me as happy as I used to be and I have attempted suicide once and now the confidence I had has completely gone. I am an extremely insecure person now and quite troubled you could say but just this morning I was taking blades out of my pencil sharpeners just so I could use them on myself.

But that is enough about me I want YOU to talk about me about your stories. I want you to send me artwork, music or just anything that you want me to post on my blog. Even if there are topics you want me to talk about or even for advice.

Stay Strong <3
Enna xxx

Email: sazza985@gmail.com

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