Sunday 28 June 2015

Decisions :/

Hello guys,

Sorry my post did not upload yesterday, I tried to upload it from the laptop, my phone and my tablet but the internet obviously wasn't on my side,

So a big worry of mine recently is that there might actually be something wrong with me, I have been getting frequent headaches and dizzy spells, as well as occasional pains in the lower left side of my ribs (I will come to that in a minute) But my parents really don't seem to care and it is really bugging me, like I was meant to go to the GP weeks ago because things have got bad mentally and I am not sleeping because I have nightmares and if I do sleep I sleep so deeply I find it hard to wake up even if I am scared. So I was meant to go and get something to help me sleep however my mum simply has not taken me and does not care. I would go by myself but it is hard to go to the doctors without your parents finding out. But anyway my ribs... Well a few years ago I was at my Uncle and Aunties 25th wedding anniversary with the family, they had a bouncy castle and there was about 10 kids there including me it was great, but my sister decided she would run and jump on me, however she landed on my chest, and a whole persons body weight on your chest/ribs is not good, so for the next few days I had pains in my chest which could've been a broken rib I don't know because my mums logic was if you went to hospital they wouldn't be able to do anything anyway. So I can't really lie on my front because my ribs clunk and after long periods of time I get really bad pins in my chest.

But a few months ago I was off school for the day because I wasn't feeling to great, it was about 4 in the afternoon and I had like a twenty minute nap, so when I woke up i went to go down stairs and virtually collapsed, I had a very sharp pain in my ribs, and I couldn't move, meanwhile my parents were downstairs completely oblivious, so hunched over at literally ninety degrees I managed to get down the stairs and like fall into the living room, I was crying at this point because the pain was unbelievable, and I couldn't move, I was struggling to breathe and I felt sick, At the time the best thing we could think of was hospital however something happened and I ended up in an emergency appointment at the doctors, They told me it could be one of three things, a virus, something wrong with my ribs or muscular. So really not a lot of help. Since then I have periods which last about half an hour where my chest tightens and I have chest pains and I find it hard to breathe. But whenever I tell my parents quite frankly they don't give a damn. So I have three options... 1-Force my parents to take me to the doctors 2- Go myself 3- tell my sister. but most likely she won't are either. Basically I am quite stuck.

Anyway my sister has just arrived home from uni with dominos ;)

Love all of you angels <3

Stay Strong,

Enna xxx


Love this song <3

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