Monday 15 September 2014


Hey Guys,
It's been such a bad day and I'm not even joking, I had C+ which is like PSHE, we were doing about body image, We were given a piece of paper and we had to write the things you liked about yourself and things you didn't. So for the positive section I put nothing, because there is nothing nice about me at all. So we had to do the negative section I wrote: Too fat, ugly, dumb, freckles, worthless, scars, weird... You get the picture but there was a lot more things, my teacher has collected those the lists in I'm so scared she will read them :( but then we were shown a video about body image and eating disorders but my friend started talking about making yourself sick I almost cried I had to turn away, it was so horrible. I am also a bit ill at the moment and have had no sleep so I am completely drained of energy I just want to sleep and never wake up. I just feel like every time I talk to someone they don't actually care what I'm on about or how I feel they just listen because they feel sorry for me is that stupid?? I just feel like it wasn't meant to me nobody even gives a shit about me anyway, I mean come on if school really cared they would've noticed that something was wrong but they haven't, which just proves my point. I'm fed up of people pretending to care about me it really annoys me. Like people who have never cared about me before now talk to me and the people who once cared don't anymore and I guess it will go back to just me again so we will see how that goes. I just want to give up now. But I'm not going to cut, I will stay strong :) At least I have music to get me through this, I don't think people realize the power of music though cos if anything music could've actually saved my life and these 'screamo'/ 'emo' band that I listen are like angels to me they are so inspirational.  Anyway that is enough from me tonight I hope youre all okay, I love you all so much and you guys mean so much to me, so thank you for giving me a chance and thanks for reading my blog even if it really doesn't interest you.
Stay Strong Guys,
Love you <3
Enna xxx

This is a song that I have been listening to recently it's soo good!!

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